Ravana Statue

History About Ravana Statue
by piney29
Have you ever heard the story of rama and shinta in the Mahabharata legend? true, this is the story of a woman and a man who was in love. In this story they really love each other so that at some point they finally had to part.
and when they separated because rama must carry out their duties as soldiers. 
then came a giant known as the name of Ravana.Giant Ravana then kidnap shinta to become empress.
Ravana Statue
From the story above, this is a short story in the history rama yana.Now if you visit Bali, you'll see a statue of Ravana who was standing upright in some city parks. Ravana statue is a work of craftspeople in the cultivating stories bali rama and shinta history.in the cultural life of Bali, the statue is a very common and most frequently encountered. If you've never seen the statue of Ravana, this is the best time for you to be able to know more about this statue. Ravana is a character who is evil in the story of rama and shinta. the story is finally rama and shinta to reunite after a very exciting race which was won by rama.
Sculpture in Bali, more shaped puppet characters in the story that former often heard and can be watched on television. but over time, now all the stories that started to fade and disappear. I hope with the article, I can give something positive in maintaining one of the Balinese culture is art, sculpture you can also read other interesting articles about the statue in bali.

Sculpture Gallery

Sculpture Gallery in Bali
by piney29
Bali Sculpture
Number of galleries in Bali will make you feel more interested to visit Bali as a tourist attraction of your choice. The statue is an art object that has historical value. In Bali, sculptures often you can see in many people's homes in Bali. For the people of bali culture sculpting has been around since time immemorial. Culture sculpting and carving in Bali has been around since primitive times, long before the arrival of Indian priests who brought Hinduism into Bali in the first century. Formerly, a native Balinese religion which worships many gods of polytheism, and they used to carve a statue for worship. When it comes to Bali Hindu religion, the culture of carvings and sculptures growing rapidly. In Bali, until now, can we find statues and carvings in every place: from the statues guard the house, the altar of worship, engraving element in every corner of the house, until the picture epic Ramayana or Mahabharata.
type of sculpture in Bali is also very diverse, ranging from the shape of animals, people and type of the gods or figures in the Hindu religion.

One of the famous statue in Bali is a giant statue of a monkey god.This statue is a clear form of the story in the Ramayana. 
In the Ramayana, narrated that Kumbhakarna beaten by a bunch of monkeys who attacked him. In the story there is the famous character by the name of Hanuman. He is a monkey god figure who is very powerful and very hard to beat. If you want to learn and know more about the history of sculpture in Bali, it helps you to travel to Bali as a place for your vacation with family. You can also visit the gallery bali statue, which would certainly become an inspiration for you.